Signs that a child may benefit from seeing a psychotherapist include:
• Developmental delay
• A significant drop in grades, particularly if your child normally maintains high grades
• Excessive school absenteeism or tardiness
• Problems in transitions (following separation, divorce, or relocation)
• Learning or attention problems (such as ADHD)
• Behavioral problems (such as excessive anger, acting out, bedwetting or eating disorders)
• Episodes of sadness, tearfulness, or depression
• Social withdrawal or isolation
• Being the victim of bullying or bullying other children
• Overly aggressive behavior (such as biting, kicking, or hitting)
• Sudden changes in appetite (particularly in adolescents)
• Insomnia or increased sleepiness
• Mood swings (e.g., happy one minute, upset the next)
• Development of or an increase in physical complaints (such as headache, stomachache, or not feeling well) despite a normal physical exam by your doctor
• Management of a serious, acute, or chronic illness
• Signs of alcohol, drug, or other substance use espcially with teenagers
• Bereavement issues
• Therapy following sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or other traumatic events